Mummy, whats for dinner?

Julie Simpson • Mar 12, 2020

This article is for all the exasperated parents out there….you are not alone!!

Feeding time at the zoo is happening across the country at every breakfast, lunch and dinnertime! I would probably say one of the biggest causes of tensions and arguments in my house with 3 children (between 7 and 13 years old) is food. What they eat for breakfast, or don’t eat and what they’ll eat for snack at school to what we’re having for dinner EVERY day!


With my background in nutrition it is often a real challenge for me to be more laid back and allow my kids to eat in the way they do. If you don’t have kids of this age then you’ll likely be saying its all my fault and they’ve learned bad eating habits because I’ve not been strict enough. But believe me I thought the same before I had kids, but as kids get older and become teenagers you need to have a more flexible approach. 


It’s a thankless task cooking for children. My children once ate every vegetable known to man, loved raisins, melon and all the things that they were given, but now want chips with every meal and even complain that they ‘don’t like those chips anymore!’ Also, having 3 children, you will NEVER please all 3 in one meal unless its pizza.  My 2 boys have nut allergies along with all allergies to pulses and shellfish so a lot of the foods I like and that are healthy are not considered at mealtime. I do tend to make us all the same most nights. 


So let’s start in the morning…today I have 2 boys starting the day with a wholesome ‘readybrek’ and raisins and this is great. Daughter makes her own rice crispies and white toast. It’s not the best and she ends up throwing out the rice crispies as she now doesn’t like them anymore. This happens usually within a week of loving something again. It’s happened with yogurts, grapes, watermelon, cereal bars… it goes on. I’m grateful however that she eats something. Packed lunches are like a habit now. White bread sandwich with ham (most days), crisps and a Nutella bar. The days of putting in yogurts, fruits and chopped vegetables seem to be over. They either come back or are binned. I’d rather I knew the kids were getting calories in them and ate healthier when they get in from school.


Eating ham is a big bone on contention for me since I rarely eat processed meats and know these foods are risk factors in cancer and cell changes. Often I sneak in a tuna  or cheese sandwich and hope it’s forgotten about by home-time! Chicken is like a bad word in my house, unless of course it’s chicken nuggets. When you’re not the only person or parent influencing your children’s eating habits there’s little all you can do when they are fed Macdonald’s on a regular basis.


School dinners in primary school unfortunately are not healthy at all. I think the best I’ve heard being eaten is chicken curry, the rest is all pizza and burgers and usually a cake…unless it’s ‘Fruity Tuesday’, then there is no cake or biscuit. 


To balance this out when my kids come home they are given fruit or chopped raw vegetables until dinner-time.  I don’t avoid the fresh fish or chicken on the menu in the evening, I just prepare myself for the persistent moaning I’ll get till it’s all over. Dinner-time can be a time of humourous and disgusting stories, sibling fallouts, slagging off and general catching up with the school day.  It’s so important to me that we all sit at the table and eat together, despite the argument over who sits next to me every single night. I’ll miss these days one day!


Onto dinner itself, and the tone is really set once my daughter arrives home from school and the first thing she asks is “what’s for dinner?” Now, if she sees or smells something that she’s not happy with then the mood changes and is set for the next few hours. It can be torture! Then after dinner, which might’ve taken the best part of 30 minutes to eat, and the kitchen isn’t yet cleared, I start to get the requests for something else to eat.  Except what is really being asked is “can I have a treat or something nice?” Then there’s the expectation of a supper before bedtime, and really I‘ve ran out of ideas of what to give that’s not toast or more cereal!  Although I did have a breakthrough moment where I could’ve danced a few nights ago…my daughter asked for a boiled egg and toast for her supper! I’m in shock and she says, “you know Mummy, sometimes I just like to eat healthy!”


So despite my yearnings for my children to eat a super-healthy diet, I reflect back to my childhood, and try to put some things into perspective. I seem to remember having nothing but a disgusting processed spread on my sandwiches, think it was a ‘Princes’ jar of tuna or chicken paste… smelled like dog food. I’m sure I refused to eat anything else. I didn’t even eat real tuna! We had treats of hot-dogs at the weekends, heated in the new microwaves that had just became the rage in the 80’s. My sister and I were each allowed a big bottle of ‘alpine’ fizzy drink from the van that we were to make last the week. We had a sweetie shop where we got 2 ounce of ‘rainbow dust’ (coloured sugar) every Friday. And then my Mum liked some nights off so invariably we had a chippy on a Friday night and a Chinese on a Saturday!! (sorry Mum)


By the time I was in 2nd year of high school I remember having a daily diet filled with sugar and fat. Morning break I had the biggest piece of iced ‘fly cemetry’ as it was called. I remember a dinner lady saying “do you know how many calories are in a slice of that?” I replied “what’s a calorie?!” I didn’t care, it tasted good. By lunchtime I went to the local bakers shop and had a sausage roll, cream cookie, a drifter bar and a can of coke.  No joke.  I didn’t think there was anything wrong with this. My Mum did make lighter teas in the evening and they were pretty healthy but a fair number of treats too…as she had no idea how much I’d already eaten. 


So when I start to really see how my diet as a teenager wasn’t much better (or in many ways worse) I can relax a bit and see that all is not bad. My kids are rarely ill and hardly been off school and so I believe they are getting enough nutrients for their health. When I see how my priorities around food and nutrition have changed over the years it makes me feel positive that the kids will also explore more foods. Keeping everything in balance and not denying the pleasures of ice-cream and crisps, as long as they get plenty good food too. Trying to ensure eating times don’t become a battle is also important. As parents we have to make compromises with our own ideas and keep just doing the best we can. 


If you need help with family eating plans or ideas on healthier snacks or a balanced diet contact

By Julie Simpson 20 Aug, 2022
Bet you’re looking forward to the kids going back to school?’ Oh yes, I ve been asked that a few times this last week. I’m overjoyed my 3 kids are going back to school tomorrow. After 7 weeks of kids wandering around the house like lost souls, needing constantly fed and moaning about every small request for help with housework, I can’t wait to get my working space back again. I mostly work from home now which has been a real bonus that I’ve not needed any childcare. But between each session I like to do a wee, lets say, ‘check-in’ with what they’re all up to! My nine year old son will default to the TV, usually as I’ve hidden the laptop after many hours of playing ‘roblox’ already…hiding places include the car boot, the bottom of his clothes drawer (he’d never look there) or in the ironing basket. Next son up, a teenager who would probably over-heat in his bedroom with the PS4 on all day then revert to ‘Friends’ on the TV or his mobile phone when told to get off the PS4. Teenage daughter. I tend to stay out her way most of the day. If she’s up before lunch-time it’s usually because there’s a trip to Irvine beach or a full day of tanning and preparing for a night out. I didn’t realise you had to have a bath and a shower to do all this properly. I now know what a ‘gaff’ is as there’s been a few, and the highs and lows of being in a teenage relationship! I’ve also had many ‘snaps’ taken of me, unsolicited videos of me telling her off and distributed to her full friends group and probably in my PJs too!! So it’s best to stay out that room even if she has stole half my clothes and make-up! So the day to day of trying to encourage my kids to be active and make the most of their holidays is sometimes a bittersweet request, leaving me with more work to do. My 9yr old is suddenly showing so much independence that he wants no help in doing new tasks and knows exactly the right way to do everything. No patience either, so waiting 10 mins for me to finish work was not on the cards when wanting to make lemon muffins. So I left him to it and he consequently didn’t set the weighing scales before measuring the flour and sugar (literally no sugar)...but they were still ‘delicious’ because he had made them all by himself! Another episode this week where he decides to wash the neighbours cars after seeing a few boys doing the same the day before. I see him leaving the house while I was doing an online session…with mop bucket in hand and a backward glance through the window at me. Then find the liquid soap away too… he was not a happy boy when I find him and explain how these things aren’t done on a rainy day or with liquid hand soap! Then the sound of a blender when trying to watch ‘Stranger Things’ with my other son. “What are you doing in there” I shout in desperation as he’s meant to be in bed and just downstairs getting a drink. I find he’s poured half a punnet of grapes into a half made up blender to make grape juice! Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful he’s being so hands on and getting on with things himself; and he has sorted out now that he needs to cover the bowl of tomato soup before heating it in the microwave. He does love his food. Finding large wrappers of chocolate and endless packets of skittles in his bin are as much a mystery to him as they are to me. Young kids lie. A lot. So when I’m constantly telling them to “get outside, it’s a beautiful day”, you can guess where that wee trip outdoors is leading to. So, if I’m remembered for nothing else these Summer holidays, I’m sure it will be my appeal to “Get outside and stop wasting your childhood!!” The reply of “when have I to come back home?” is usually “5pm or when you’re hungry!”. Then there’s those days you must have them home for an appointment or an evening club and they’ve gone AWOL. Hunting the streets, messaging the other Mums, but no-one knows where your child is. But then I did tell him to disappear till dinner-time! So if you’re a parent trying to fit in your full-time job, time to buy school uniforms, constantly replace the disappearing food in the cupboards, give endless handouts for the cinema and shopping trips, get their haircut and have enough energy to be calm and patient by bedtime, then I feel for you. But we have survived. Another school holiday. But on a positive this year I have also seen a lot of growth in my kids, and not just in the stretching way. I found my teenage boy ironing his T-shirts one early morning as he didn’t have any! He hadn’t asked me to do this and I had no idea he could iron. In fact his response to “do you know how to iron?” was “of course I know how to iron!” And he did a really great job too. They all make their own lunches and have done their chores every day (maybe not right away but they get done eventually). I’ve had cups of tea made for me in the evening. I’ve had lots of hugs and they really really do know my bedtime is 9pm now and to give me my space! So in trying to keep perspective, looking for the gratitude in every day (the small wins) and going to bed as early as I can so I can be bright and energised for my clients and kids has got me through it! Till next year…I can’t wait!
By Julie Simpson 23 Mar, 2021
I’ve written before about ‘The family dinner’ and fussy eaters but after tonight’s serving I was inspired to write again!
By Julie Simpson 01 Jul, 2020
One of the greatest fears people have is public speaking or giving a presentation
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